Here is the foreseen schedule :
Friday afternoon, June 22, 2018
Reception at the Centre International de Séjour
after 4 pm :
Possible visit of the cemetery of one's nationality
which are all near Reims, the furthest and most typical being the Russian 32 kms away...
where there is an orthodox chapel in logs,
surrounded by birches, (берëз) recalling the chapels in Siberia and for those who would arrive soon enough ...
Maps of access to the surrounding cemeteries:
French, German, English, American, Russian, Italian, Moroccan-Algerian-Tunisian etc ... will be distributed at the reception desk and a carpool with volunteer drivers in case needed will
be organized : please reserve in advance by mail (2018reims (at) if you need a carpool.
Friday Night, June 22, 2018
Evening, near the CIS, in the nice gardens near
by, near the lake, around a shared buffet : every one should/could bring a specialty of his/her own country to share for 6 to 10 people and a glass of a local beverage !... , guess which
one !... false answer : it will be cider from one of the biggest forests not far away, Forêt d'Othe !....
World music with Guitars, Banjo, Balalaïca,
Harmonica, ViolinsTsiganes, Accordions, Choirs etc ...
Dances of the world !...
Our whole evening is for the fiesta of 100 years
of peace : end at 23 h, 11 pm...
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Guided tour of the Cathedral, ascent to the Towers of the Cathedral for the more valid: More than 250 steps !, explanations on concrete beams imitating wood of the new frame built in
1922 by the brilliant Reims architect : Henri Deneux with funding from American Philanthrop John ROCKEFELLER, library Andrew CARNEGIE, funded by this other American billionaire since
the previous library, located in the Town Hall, had burned during the war and ART DECO buildings throughout Cours Langlet, new avenue created on the rubbles of the collapsed houses of
the City Center , Roman Place Forum Market, Place Royale with the statue of Louis XV etc ...
Welcome to City Hall in the late morning : to be confirmed ?
Lunch as you wish :
In a cafeteria Place d'Erlon : The famous square
where "Rémois" = inhabitants of Reims get out, to stay connected in the city with all its cafes / terraces and the diversity of proposals of restaurations with menus from different
countries of the world, accessible to all budgets.
In addition, there are several small citymarkets
selling food like Monoprix and others for those who would prefer to picnic at Parc Colbert, nearby, and below the statue of our famous Reims Minister of Finance, Jean-Baptiste Colbert,
during Louis XIV reign.
Afternoon :
Quick tour of the Museum of Surrender, near the
Place d'Erlon, passing by and under the SNCF train station, then Saint Remi basilica: Rémi is the bishop who baptized CLOVIS in 496 in the early church, ancient Roman temple and it is
this act which is at the origin of the Christianity of France...
Then at the end of the afternoon, visit of the
famous Caves, which Tsar of Russia Peter the Great visited on 22 june 1717, on the mount Saint Nicaise, nearby, and classified in the World heritage of UNESCO since July 2016 : "Coteaux
et Maisons de Champagne".
Saturday evening, June 23, 2018 from 7 pm:
Festive evening at the Protestant Parish Temple, boulevard Lundy, with music and champagne buffet, some words of reconciliations of a pastor, a philosopher and from the
Président of Servas India.
Sunday, June 24, 2018:
Wide choice,
- Participation in the March of Reconciliations from Chateau Thierry for Americanophiles and all those who wish towards the War Memorial for American soldiers in Belleau in the
departement of Aisne, closed to Château Thierry, during WWI. Carpool will be organised from Reims.